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Identify a limitation, difficulty or inadequacy
Ponder on problems that you encounter each day. It might be something that you hear in the news, in your particular area of expertise or in your personal life. Ever if you hear someone wish for a better way of doing something, take note of it. Consider how you can make daily life easier or allow you to enjoy something more. What problems do you find frustrating? What are your regular time wasters?

Develop an innovation or solution
Find out if there are any existing solutions to the limitations, difficulties or inadequacies that you have identified. If there are, find out how you can improve on them. Look at similar difficulties in different environment or industry and see how they are solved. The solution may not be readily apparent so be patient. Give your mind enough time for the problem. Make use of different techniques such as masterminding or brainstorming to visualize the problem and come up with a solution. Remember that you cannot rush the process so take your time and wait for a solution to appear.

Develop your Solution
Once a solution has been identified, improve on it and come out with other benefits that could be derived from it. You should also expand the solution into other industries and markets that have the similar or the same problems. Once you are done with your invention, consider what you are going to do next. You could start thinking about protecting it with a patent or begin building a new business based on the new concept you have created.
“Original and with an innate understanding of your inventive entities, the team at Love Youth is always a pleasure to work with.”

Roger Leighton
A New Way of Doing Things
Inventing something starts from an idea. So if you are aspiring to be an inventor, you need to have ideas in your head. However, everyone gets ideas every now and then so you may be wondering why not everyone is an inventor. The fact is that no matter how good your ideas are, they are useless as long as they remain in your head. You have to turn a new invention idea into something such as an electronic gadget or a tool. If you want to be recognized as an inventor, you should be thinking in terms of how do I develop my idea, which is really the hard part. You will have to create an actual prototype, test it to see if it is working and make a presentation to prove its usefulness. Here we go.

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